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Certified AWS Architect & Developer with MS in Software Engineering. Working on Cloud & Agile for more than 10 years.

Hussain Mansoor

Posts by Husyn

What's in it for me?

Why people join meet-ups, tech communities & guilds? Why invest their personal time and attend or speak in events for free? Even conduct tech workshops where they have to make sur...

Nov 08, 2022

How to be an Architect?

The one question which I asked a lot while being a developer half of my career. And is a common question I receive working as full time Solutions Architect. I rarely got 2 similar ans...

Jul 07, 2022

Cloud usage maturity levels


May 24, 2022

Cloud is not for us

For some Cloud is an apparent truth. For others it is unknown territory which is yet to be matured or explored by them. We as humans are always afraid of unknowns and when the change ...

Apr 01, 2022

DevOps / Systems Engineering Tools

Originally posted at iHusyn

Mar 16, 2022

How to learn AWS Cloud?

If I have to tell you the name or details of companies like Netflix, Twitch, LinkedIn, BBC, Sony, Adobe or Twitter and many more then this post is not for you. The cloud computing is ...

Jan 06, 2021

Is Cloud Expensive?

The Cloud (Computing) is one of the latest trends in Software industry. Well yes it’s not so latest as AWS was launched in mid 2000s and since then has become a monster of its own. Th...

Jan 01, 2021

Youtube Journey Begins

In the year 2020 when many things were “unprecedented”, towards the end of the year I planned to do something which I always wanted to! I want to share my tacit understanding of techn...

Dec 01, 2020